No — I don’t mean that. I mean, show your clients that they are not just a case or file number. Show empathy, caring, and compassion. Communicate with them on a regular basis, even if nothing is happening in their case. Ask them how they are doing or even get to know them a bit. Be their shoulder to lean on when things are falling apart. After all, lawyers should be all about service. If you’ve ever been to a doctor with a horrible bedside manner, then you understand why this is important. I once heard a wonderful presentation by Wade Smith who suggested that if you “love your clients,” they will love you back. And if your clients love you, they will tell others about you, and it’s one of the most effective ways to build your practice. There are many reasons to “love your clients.” Another is that if your clients love you, then even if things don’t turn out as expected, or even if you make a mistake, client’s will forgive you. But the best reason to love your clients is — it’s the right thing to do.