Our firm has substantial experience in defending various different types of insurance agents, title agents and bail bondsman and their companies and also representing individuals seeking to obtain licenses before the North Carolina State Department of Insurance. This experience includes independently investigating and analyzing the allegations, preparing written responses to complaints, preparing and representing clients at informal conferences with the Agent’s Services Division of the Department, defending against requests for surrender of licenses, negotiating acceptable consent orders, and defending insurance agents and bail bondsman in formal evidentiary and administrative hearings before the Commissioner of Insurance.
Our firm also represents individuals seeking to obtain licenses from the Department of Insurance at various different procedural stages, including at informal conferences with the Agent’s Services Division of the Department and in formal administrative hearings before the Commissioner. We also have assisted clients in obtaining a waiver to engage in the business of insurance under federal law, 18 USC 1033, when the individual has a prior insurance related criminal conviction.
Review a more detailed explanation of the State Department of Insurance process.
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